Thursday, 12 March 2009

Starting my own website What to do ?

I've been playing around with the idea of starting my own website to do digi scrapping for ppl as well birthday invites and other things . I've managed to create my headers, papers i want colour schemes and all that. Now i need to figure out how to work in wordpress . JOY!!! And i haven't a cooking clue. So now my days will be filled with how to start my site on wordpress . wish me luck plenty of it. I'm gonna need it

Oh and with all my lil ventures on the side i've now taken on antoher one. I've become a tupperware distributor.So that is now added to my lingerie and clothing sales i already do.
And then i'm hoping to start photography for schools and cresches if i can get my hands on a canon 350 or 450D camera Soon LOL. I'm saving up like crazy seriously it's not funny i'm thinking of giving up my kitchen cupboards now for the camera. Yar i iz insane after naggin so long for built in kitchen cupboards i''m now wanting to trade them for a camera. i think i've lost the plot completely now lol

So now let me share my headers i've created so far for my site. and gimmie your input *wink*



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