Thursday, 3 April 2008

1 Month later LOL

Well i seem to be moving into a slump lately. As to my own self i'm losing my positivity on life and i've recently learnt that i lost a friend in the sense that we drifted apart. But i did not see it coming. so i've had a good cry about ti today and i must say unloaded to another friend abotu ti and i feel a bit better .I'm still sad tho but i suppose such is life ne.

I've suddenly got free time @ night lord knows where it is coming from LOL.* hubby is doing his own work now no longer needs my help with his assignments*. So i am desperatly trying to work on a lil project i have up my sleeve.But my darn puter is not co -operating. I must say however i am very excited about it.And i do hope and pray it all works out and falls in place nicely once it's completed. Other than all my woes of this week seems to be comign to and end and there is ligth at the end of the tunnel that's for sure.

ok just a new digi of mish and mik i wanted to share

i'm sure you all seen it alreddy

credits to mari k and sarahJ fpr their cupcake kit

This one of mik the kit is from veronica hurly

1 comment:

Brooke - in Oregon said...

Hi there!
I am so sorry about your friend, this has happened to me with a family member so I understand the feeling of loss :(

Oh my gosh such cute layouts of the kids, they are so adorable that anything would look cute with them but your layouts really do shine! Fabulous!!